If you haven't heard already, Soaky Siren has new music for you to listen to! 'Like I'm Loved', the new single that hits hard and has a pop edge, has been getting great reviews thanks to all of you. This week, the 'Racks' remix was also added. Please continue to stay tuned. Drop by any time to leave comments, check out the page, rate, and subscribe. We're gonna' have more music for you to listen to as the weeks go by.
On another note, have any of you purchased the Adele album, 'Adele 21'? The girl's voice is crazy! She's so talented and the lyrics are amazing; incredible songwriters and producers worked on her project as well.
That's about it for now...as this is being written, 80'S'ix is adding finishing touches to a song that we just wrote over the weekend. You'll hear it soon enough. Later. :)